22 November 2014

rocket's quote

"We get bored because it's a wide World out there and we see only the nest." - rvh


Anonymous said...

Ric, do you know visionarylink, skyion, mahadlika,shotdapakap. Maybe you know them cuz they are mirror images of you.

Anonymous said...

Ric Vil Hori or Ricky Villafuerte or Visionarylink,skyion, mahadlika, amir etc shotdapakap.....known notorious troll and cyberbully. Watch out be careful whom you are blogging.

Anonymous said...

This guy has multiple accounts and a notorious troll and cyberbully

Anonymous said...


More like a cyber crybaby actually. All the threads he's posted in descend into childish tantrums, lies and self-flattery. Very irritating personality, but I actually feel sorry for the guy, he's got to be around his late 30's/early 40's. Then again, there are many delusional assholes like him, and these people should be called out as often as possible to prevent them from spreading their disease.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if it is allowed or even if it is a good idea as I don't post on forums, but maybe people could post links to this guy's blog on the threads that he is trolling so people would know what kind of person they are dealing with.

I'm talking about this blog where he advocates a wacky cult:


Of course there are downsides like threads getting derailed and more people get to read his crazy stuff, but I just noticed how contradictory his posts as shotdapakap are to his articles, though it is obviously the same person.

Anonymous said...

Quoting a post from this thread:


"Rervillager , skyion, mahadlika, gugu ugog they are one and the same person—rick villafuerte from davao. What a shame"

Rabid compulsive regionalistic asshole through and through. I guess that explains why he thinks mankind originated from the foothills of Mt. Apo, LOL.

Anonymous said...

^^ Haha, yeah total regionalist. Even though it's a wide world, he needs to troll coz he's bored, probably never gets out of his nest.

Anonymous said...

Just checking... i have'nt have a good laugh 4 a while and see what's new